30 Day Business

Day 11: Building A Minimum Viable Product MVP

Product development is a topic that has been covered by countless books, YouTube videos, and blog posts. Product development is central to the health and longevity of any business. And should be treated with the care and attention you would give a child. Just like children are the future of the world, product development represents the future of your company. The analogy continues that if you neglect either of these “children” your won’t feel the impacts today, but once you do there is very little you can do to course-correct.

Therefore, we aren’t going to neglect product development. we aren’t going to ignore the central role that plays in the health of our business. We are going to integrate it into every other process and consideration as we build our 30 Day Business.

Yes, all elements of your business matter. Here’s practical illustration about interdependencies between two seemingly unrelated business functions, Product Development, and Sales.

You company is able to pay the electricity bill with the money generated from your product team. Additionally, your product development team builds the lightbulbs that take advantage of that electricity. Without the meaningful contribution of both business functions, you won’t be able to “keep the lights on.”

Ok, enough analogies. Let’s get to the exciting part. How to build a product MVP!

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