30 Day Business

Day 15: Product Development Best Practices

Today represents a big day in the 30 Day Business! Today is the day that we say ‘pencils-down’ and move on to the next phase, sales!

But, before we move on, let’s review some of the things we learned in the last 5 days. Specifically, let’s talk about the following best practices when working on product development.

  • Product Definition & Scope
  • Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Getting and filtering Feedback
  • Building Quilty Products – tools and techniques

Product Definition and Scope

On day 10 of the 30 Day Business, we talked about defining our products and clearly identifying which features were central to the user experience. As you may recall, we talked about how we can still the entire essence of a product into 3 basic characteristics.

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